by Michelle Hackman | Apr 29, 2021 | Blog
I Couldn’t Help It Joy. 100% pure joy. That is the only way I know how to describe it. I was about 7 miles into my 13.1-mile trek of the Wilmington Half Marathon and my senses were nearly overwhelmed as I cruised around the perimeter of Greenfield Lake. The crisp,...
by Michelle Hackman | Mar 29, 2021 | Blog
It Starts With the High On March 20, I ran the Mission 100K, and it was incredible. Covering ten laps of a 10K course, it was 62 miles of beautiful, torturous single track bike trail that snaked through Brown’s Creek Bike Park in Elizabethtown, NC The venue is...
by Michelle Hackman | Feb 25, 2021 | Blog
Run Streak? No Thanks. Run streaks. Why? I didn’t get them. I mean, they are cool and all, but the idea of having to run every day just to say I did it never appealed to me. I have always believed in solid recovery and didn’t feel I had any thing to prove to...
by Michelle Hackman | Jan 31, 2021 | Blog
“You just finished 100 miles, buddy.” Those were Tom Clifford’s words as Russ Leaptrot rounded out his 24-hour effort to win the Southern Tour Ultra Last Man Standing event in mid-January. Tom has directed plenty of races, but this was no doubt his first time closing...
by Michelle Hackman | Jan 3, 2021 | Blog
Bringing In The New Year! Well, we made it! 2020 was interesting, to say the least. And now we find ourselves at that magical time of year where we get to reinvent exactly who we want to be. It’s easier to picture the stronger, more confident versions of...