by Michelle Hackman | Aug 31, 2020 | Blog
“Make It Hurt” So…I threw up in the bushes yesterday. With a tenth of a mile to go in my 8-mile progression run, my stomach revolted, and I ended up freshening up some pine straw with my coffee from earlier that morning. Darn. So close. It wasn’t the ideal ending...
by Michelle Hackman | May 26, 2020 | Blog
“Let me ask you something. Are you crazy?” This was the question I was asked from a smiling neighbor who had seen my post about dodging lightning storms during an early morning 20-mile training run. Before I could get out a response, my wife chimed in with...
by Kaitlyn Ley | Dec 12, 2019 | Blog
Shopping for gifts during the holidays can be difficult. But if you are shopping for a friend or family member who is a runner, then we are here to help! Check out the following list of gift ideas that your favorite runner is sure to love. Gift Card to a Running...